Subtext tip : Don’t overlook Static News/Announcement

If you follow me on twitter then you will see that over the last couple of weeks I have been playing about with Subtext as a Content Management System. I will be posting more in-depth information about my findings later.

The static new/Announcement section is found within the admin area of subtext then options –> configure as seen below:


This may look a tad boring like the sidewide tracking code box below it but it’s a treasure waiting to be used. I set myself a challenge and used a friends site to see if subtext could handle the basics of a Content Management System. It took some imagination but I was able to replicate the main functionality, a custom control here and there and voila. Before you comment and say “but that site isn’t running on subtext”, it’s only a proof of concept.

Within the template used on the Premier Connections website there is an information box in relation to the company and the owner.  I thought how could I give an administrator access to change this content?

Premier Connections

As you’ve guess by the title I can use the Static News/Announce free text box. Easy as that. This has given me some ideas on how to finish a couple of skins i have been converting so watch this space. Hope that this tip will help someone out there who may have overlooked this function.


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