4 hours work over 3 days = 2 skins. I am fairly confident that the 2 skins, Leia English and CopyBlogger are both ready to be pushed out into the real world. I am hoping to get another 4, yes 4 skins out over the next 2 weeks that will hopefully result in atleast one of them being shipped as default with subtext. They are both “version 1” which means they are pretty basic. Leia comes with only 1 stylesheet, no javascript files, CopyBlogger I think has 4 style sheets, no javascript.
While I have submitted Leia to the appropriate site it would seem the “moderation” process takes a while so for now you can download them below:
If you’re using them please try keep the footer/design statements intact as the guys who designed the themes worked hard and deserve the credit. If you start using any of the above themes please fire me a comment as it would be good to know and see these being used in the real world 😉
Any questions, problems please contact me or post a comment. Any skins you have seen that you think deserve being adapted to subtext again get in touch.
Steven Harman
You going to throw them up on http://subtextskins.com ?
Si Philp
Hi Steven, I submitted Leia to the skins website about a week ago. I am going to finish the next lot and put them all up at once 🙂