First off, I would like to thank everyone again who has subscribed to my site. Actually quite surprised at how many subscriptions I have now. Would also like to thank anyone who has got in touch, commented on or shared my posts through social media, you guys rock. As time moves on there comes a point whereby change is needed, hence this post.
Well it’s been a long time coming and I have decided to make a couple of changes to my site:
- The site has moved from a to a .com. Links etc will be handled so if you’ve saved or shared a post it will be directed to its new home :).
- The theme has been replaced with one quicker and more lightweight (better for mobiles), What do you think?
- Thanks to a couple of fitness brand reaching out there will be more non Les Mills (Les Mills didn’t reply 🙁 ) posts and competitions/giveaways :).
- Photography posts will eventually be posted over on Simons Pics.
- Technology and my main work posts will return. Got alot of cool things to post about.
- The site is still a work in progress so if something breaks try again later ;).
Why am I letting you know about this?
I know that there is quite a split in subscribers from fitness side to photography side with a little programming/tech in between so I thought I would give you the heads up. You can control your subscriptions over on WordPress, as stated I don’t spam or sell your email addresses :). You’ll only get an email every time i post.
I’m here for everything
Well that’s awesome thank you.
I’m here for the fitness side of things/ track listings
If you’re here just for the fitness side of things and don’t want emails hitting your inbox about any of the above then please check out the Google+ collections I have created
Please note that I am working on a side project that will eventually take the listings away from here ;)……
I’m here for your photography
If you’re here for photography then you can like my Facebook page and/or head over to Simons Pics to subscribe as there will be daily content as well as competitions :).
I have a question/found an error
Just ping me an email through my contact form or grab me on twitter. Thanks for listening.