The track

All the way back to Les Mills BodyCombat 48. I’ve done a throw back before to Les Mills BodyCombat 48 track 3 now I bring you track 6 from this release Drummer Boy (MoDrums Remix) – Alesha Dixon.

The music

The choreography


Why this track?

I choose this track for several reasons:

  • Brain must be fully engaged as the mental sweat begins from the offset.
  • Music and choreography flow nicely.
  • Is a sing-a-long kid of track (if you can sing).
  • Side kicks, side kicks and some more side kicks.
  • Carrying on from the sides kicks the front back kicks, does it ever stop?

What do you think?

Have you taught/done this track and thought differently?  Please let us know your thoughts or If you have any tracks you’d like to share please comment, tweet me, or get in touch.  Thanks for reading Simon Philp.

While you’re here

Please share me via the social icons below? Also why not check out my other Les Mills posts or subscribe via email ? 🙂  If you’d like to contribute a track from the past based on any Les Mills programmes please tweet me, or get in touch Kia Ora.

If you’d like to contribute a track from the past based on any Les Mills programmes please tweet me, or get in touch Kia Ora.

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