I have been working on a project where we need to update a field within a document should that piece of information be added or updated. Until now I thought the only way to do it would be to re-build the document and commit it back to solr. This is not the case if you’re using Solr 4.0. Off I went and fired up a default Solr Server and started to play about to see if I could get this working and it’s very straight forward.

Index Contents

This is the document I am interested in updating:

Initial entity document solr

I need to use the document unique identifier in order to find the document I want to update and in this case the field is called “id”.

The document field update

Please note I am using a Windows curl client so the format of the following line will be different if running in Unix/Linux. What I am doing is changing the genre from “fantasy” to “sci-fi” and saying that it’s no longer in stock on the document with a unique identifier of “978-0641723445”

curl "http://localhost:8983/solr/entity/update?commit=true"  -H "Content-type:application/json" -d "[{\"id\":\"978-0641723445\",\"genre_s\":{\"set\":\"sci-fi\"},\"inStock\":{\"set\":false}}]"

Running the above command gives me an error free response and if I check the document in the index:

Updated entity document solr

Everything updated as expected. More on the set field attribute can be found : http://wiki.apache.org/solr/UpdateXmlMessages#Optional_attributes_for_.22field.22


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