Photograph on the BBC

Two weeks ago while experiencing power kiting for my 1st time in St Andrews I managed to take some photos.  After reviewing the photos I thought I would send 2 into the BBC.

Over the weekend it was brought to my attention that 1 of my pictures was on the readers section.  I thought I would have received an email notifying me but there it was

Am chuffed to bits, shame they didn’t put my web address up there 😉  More of the pictures I took can be found on my flickr page.


  • Simon Jones
    Posted March 29, 2008 4:17 pm 0Likes

    The only problem with submitting pictures to the BBC is that now they effectively own (or at the very least co own) the rights to that picture and can use it anywhere they like as often as they like. That is the reason they don’t get any of my pictures ever. But hey, it’s still a buz to see a picture you took on a site like the Beeb, I get that! 🙂

  • Si Philp
    Posted March 29, 2008 4:23 pm 0Likes

    Yeah I know but hey it promotes Scotland and my ability to point and click lol. I like to promote good things 🙂
    Am not sure if they still put your name and town on it if they use it for a weather background or not? :S

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