With the site getting more and more popular I’ve noticed that my site could do with a bit of a make over that will make peoples visits a much better experience.  Technology as it does moves on at a great pace and it’s time to catch up.  This theme has served me well over the last 18 months but trying to maintain improvements is just far too time consuming and updates to the theme may it be support requests or feature requests haven’t been happening.

Over the next couple of weeks I plan on updating this site so the following improvements are made:

  • To use CloudFlare
  • SSL by default.
  • Mobile friendly.  Current theme supports mobile well but in Googles eyes it could do alot better.
  • Speed.
  • Social interaction.
  • Universally Accessible .

This isn’t going to be an easy task as I am aiming to ramp up all scores when it comes to website checks from speed to SEO to accessibility.  The hunt for a new theme begins and having a quick look over at Theme Forest it could take a while to find the perfect theme. This is what I am looking for :

Using Google PageSpeed as a base

This is the current scoring.





Where you come in

Last time I done some changes I had several people email “alerting” me to the fact something wasn’t working right.  To all that did, thanks.  Over the next couple of weeks the site will probably radically change and over this time I am sure the site will have it’s up and downs.  Please bear with me :).

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