In a previous post “Using your phones camera for photography” I decided to set myself a little challenge by trying to capture moments on my mobile phone with a hashtag : #MPPC. This was influenced by the book #iPhoneonly.
November 2014 can be found:
December the month of being jolly. Like most cities around Christmas Edinburgh came alive with decorations and markets. Lots of people out and about being festive. Rather than just focus on the Christmas theme I have tried to vary the captures this month around objects and light.
As you can see in the gallery below or if you click through to Flickr the photographs range from buildings to my pets to seascapes. I was very happy with how the BrewDog photographs came out especially in the low lighting. I’d like to point out that I have only tweaked one of the Dome photographs as it was slightly squint, apart from that they’re straight from my Samsung S4 gallery.
*The featured image of this post was the last sunrise of 2014 looking from Dalgety Bay to Edinburgh, DSLR photographs of the sunrise will come soon.
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