Before we begin are you a Les Mill instructor and up for answering a couple of non-personal questions?  If so please check out :  If you’ve got in touch, I will be in contact soon :).

BodyCombat 61 is now reaching it’s peak so mixing will start fairly soon. Track listing for BodyCombat 62 has been posted now onto the Les Mills BodyCombat 62 video sizzler.  This is non official source, when Les Mills update their YouTube channel will update this post.

What can we see from the video?

Am glad to see another 3 person team presenting. We can see Andres Vesga showing off his round house kicks, some familiar combinations which I think might be the warmup? That’s about it. For us in the UK we’ll need to wait a week or so more before seeing what this release will bring. Will any predictions I made in my thoughts about BodyCombat 61 be right?

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