I was going to do a Merry Christmas post but with all the festivities with family and friends Christmas has come and gone. From Gillian and I we hope you had a fantastic one 🙂
The title says all really. As a part of my contribution to the Subtext Blogging Engine and a new year treat I am going to be posting a new skin/theme for this open source project every 2 – 3 days for about 9 weeks.
You will be looking at between 30 and 40 new skins/themes that no doubt will freshen up the core.
Along my way I have been making notes so that I can write up my findings and hope we can implement changes to make Subtext more flexible.
If you use subtext and have some ideas or come across some limitations please head over to our Google Groups page and give us your feedback.
Hope you have a fantastic 2011. Peace out……..