Free photo software – Why Pay?

Having an iPhone I find myself taking alot more spontaneous photographs.  By far I am not a professional photographer, but I like to think I have an eye for a picture.  At my old work place I use to use Macromedia Fireworks for touching up photographs or image manipulation/creation.  When leaving I started to hunt about to see if there were any good free opensource alternatives and I came across Paint.Net.  A year or so later I thought I would revisit this area to see if there are any others out there worthy of using.

Virtual Studio

Virtual Studio

Chasys Draw IES

chasys draw ies







1 Comment

  • Fotoviva
    Posted September 27, 2011 10:25 am 0Likes

    Obviously for serious photographers they need something like photoshop or lightroom but for casual shooters these kind of simpler apps are terrific and help you create nice imagery.

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