Before reading/watching please remember that I am not taking anything away from anyone involved in the on demand videos, choreography, music etc, they all work hard, give 100%, this is to highlight different choices need to be made or even questioned.. I am very passionate about this program as without it I wouldn’t have met my wife and made many good friends.

Hello beautiful people. How are you doing? Lets talk about an amazing milestone for Les Mills Bodycombat and that is release number 100. This release has come and gone, but did it represent this fitness programme that many of us signed up for a long time ago?

Mr Tansey in the on-demand video said Bodycombat is about FEELING, yes it is, is one of the main reasons i became an instructor, but where have these feelings been over the last 3 – 4 years? Releases use to be solid, music variations, etc etc but now, same boring beat, same boring noises, even the on demand video (WHICH WE ARE REQUIRED TO BUY) has also seen better days. “you guys at home”, no I am an instructor and well I set my heel correctly when I kick.

Whatever your thoughts are, I personally think Dan and Rach carried this release with presenting across various countries around the world, lets face facts, Dan, Rach and presenters like Marlon could do the hokey cokey and it would be amazing. Meeting people you look up to, who bring positivity into your life, in a group fitness environment will always be amazing.

Are music, creative, choreography choices killing this program?  Am hearing instructors are giving up due to lack of this “feeling”, feedback from participants “BORED” of the music choices.  Where have the master classes, the Scooter tracks, the set you free, the energetic magic feeling tracks that motivate, inspire and drive you to work even harder?

Did Les Mills miss out over this amazing milestone, well myself and near enough every instructor and participant that’s spoke to me thinks so. The number of changes to the program over the years needs to be celebrated, the master trainers who brought soul to each release, not a release that’s uninspiring, we want these “FEELINGS”…

In light of this, I’ve decided to fix the feeling part, here’s my Bodycombat 100 alternative, “FEELINGS”, where you’ll find tracks that i put money on 90% of instructors around the world go back to….. These 10 tracks were very difficult to finalise as there are so many inspiring tracks in the back catalogue.

Over to you Participant, instructor, presenter, I’d love to hear your thoughts. Here are some questions that may get you thinking….

If you love the release, what is it you love about it? If you’re not a fan of the release have I hit the nail on the head? Do you think “the BC creative” team are making the wrong choices with music and choreography, maybe need to take a step back and remember where the program has come from?

Would like to talk about BC100 please email at contactsiphilp”takethistextoutasdontwantspam” with your thoughts, can be video, a voice memo, a picture of you with a star rating of the release out of 5?  Please consider subscribing over on my YouTube :, have lots of fun content planned, not a YouTube person then there’s always Instagram :

Bodycombat 100 alternative music track list

* Please note links above are affiliate links.


  • Sabrina
    Posted December 9, 2024 6:54 am 0Likes

    This. Myself and other instructors have been going through the exact same thought process.We love teaching Les Mills but completely agree on how flat releases, masterclasses have become.The double slap is we pay for the masterclass when its far from what it use to be, value for money it’s not.Thank you for posting this is, united we stand, greetings, Sab.

  • Steve
    Posted December 9, 2024 7:12 am 0Likes

    Great video, I say nailed it, highlighting what we go through near enough every quarter. I also met my wife through teaching a Les Mills program 🙂

    Now you’ve also mentioned it, I can’t un-see some of the awful kicks in some of the videos.Wonder if anyone checks for this while they’re filming as I thought Dan and Rach would be all over such things?

  • Amy
    Posted December 9, 2024 8:54 am 0Likes

    OMFG how good is that track 6. Awesome mix, this is what Bodycombat is all about.

  • Cody
    Posted December 11, 2024 7:34 am 0Likes

    101’s music just terrible, whoever is choosing these really knows nothing about bodycombat and should just retire. If these choices keeps coming then myself and 2 others are calling it a day, as instructors it’s now at a stage of flogging a dead donkey.

  • Donna
    Posted December 14, 2024 4:45 pm 0Likes

    Nailed on head. No idea why we instructors have to pay for the crappy on demand video, love themselves much? i’ve lost instructors from my team and have no combat instructors coming up as no-one is interested in this nonsense.

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