If you’ve never heard of BrewDog brewery then you’re seriously missing out especially if you like your craft beers. Not only is the beer amazing but when you’re in one of there many bars around the country you just naturally want to get your camera out and take some photographs. Having been to several around the country including Edinburgh, Leeds and Newcastle, the welcoming and service has always been top notch :).

One thing I would love to do is take my Nikon camera in and have some fun, don’t think it would be appreciated, maybe one day :). What are you waiting for? If you’ve never been to a BrewDog bar or tried the beer then you do need to put it on your to-do list. If you don’t have a bar near you why not buy a mixed case of beers online?

BrewDog mixed case

Any Favourites?

Being asked what my favourites are  there would be many hard decisions to get a listing.  However, within this listing there would be Punk IPA, this is lager and 5 am Saint.  I do try to taste anything that I haven’t before, but not everything. I have learned that some of the heavier beers need an acquired taste.   Not only do they sell their own beers but there are usually some guest beers on aswell,one of my favourites to date has been Gamma ray by Beavertown brewery.

Beavertown Brewery Gamma Ray 6 Bottle Case Beer

What’s Next?

We hope to invest in BrewDog in the future as we believe the products and the brand are fantastic. I always keep an eye on careers just incase a software development role pops up 😛 . Anyway on to the photographs.   Just a note that these were taken on my mobile and have been taken over 3 years mainly in Edinburgh.

Please feel free to share or check out the gallery below or head over to Flick for bigger versions : https://www.flickr.com/photos/siphilp/albums/72157664135548796

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